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As you have probably already figured out, my name is Greg. I have a certification in Strength and Conditioning, currently working on one in Nutrition, and have been lifting weights since my Sophomore year of college. And that my friends, is where this love story begins.
You see, I played hockey my entire life. When it was time to go to college, I was so burnt out and needed something else to preoccupy my time. Normally, when people head off to college, they think to join a frat or sorority, play on a club sports team, or get a job on campus. But for me, because "going against the grain" is my middle name, I started bodybuilding.
Was it conventional? No. Was it hard? Yes - I was hungry all the time during prep. But you know what, I learned so much about my body, my mind, and eventually graduated and figured out that I love lifting heavy. That's when one of my good friends took me under his wing and got me hooked on the whole Powerlifting thing.
Also, I just want to give me lovely wife a shout out, because without her, I wouldn't have decided to actually get certified and take on some clients. I have helped my friends build meal and workout plans over the years, but I am excited for this opportunity to work with others from all walks of life. I look forward to understanding each individual's needs and wants, and help turn those dreams into a reality.
So let's get to the nitty gritty, shall we? My main philosophy is you have to look at the individual as a whole. Not every person has the same body, genetics, injuries, etc. When I start working with a client, it is very important for me to understand their goals and help them understand how I think we can get there together. Whether my client is trying to gain, lose, or maintain weight, I am a true believer in the fact that diet helps with overall progress. It doesn't happen overnight - slow and steady wins the race!
If you think I'd be a good fit for for your fitness needs and wants, or have any additional questions for me, please click here.
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